Since 96% of all online businessesfail, you should be careful, driven,smart, and adventurous when startingan online business. Obviously whenstarting an online business, avoidingmistakes is key to your successbecause online mistakes cost seriousmoney and waste lots of valuable time.Unfortunately you don’t have a timemachine to use to go back and “undo”the mistakes that you might make.In the online world, mistakes aresimply “business killers” and sadly,most people who start an onlinebusiness never recover from thosemistakes.Here’s some facts that may factor intoyour decision if you’re thinking ofstarting an online business:* When starting an online business theaverage newbie loses between $1,500.00to $2,500.00 in the first year oftheir online business on uselessproducts and programs.* The Department of Labor andStatistics says that 75,000 new peoplesubscribe to the Internet every day,100,000 new web sites are built daily,and 125,000 people start a home-basedbusiness every week.* 33% of all new millionaires achieveit through a home-based business.With those types of statistics, itseasy to see why starting an onlinebusiness can have such a grand allureand be daunting all at the same time.In fact, starting an online businesscan be one of the easiest things toactually do and can easily become apart-time profitable business if youdo it right.So what do you have to remember orlearn when starting an online business?Here’s a partial list of 8 items:Starting an online business item #1:Remember that you need to plan well,have a distinct plan for what you wantto do and how you are going to getthere. If you don’t have detail ofthe “how’s” regarding starting youronline business, you will most likelywaste more money than you can affordto and burn up more time than youshould. Define a clear path from “ideato sale” right f